Tax Partner


Talstrasse 80
8001 Zurich

+41 (0)44 215 77 77

Key contacts:

Partner, Tax: Stephan Pfenninger
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Partner, Transfer Pricing: Monika Bieri
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Quick facts:

Number of advisers: 45
Network memberships: Taxand
Languages: German, English, French, Italian, Dutch, Spanish, Albanian and Serbian

Tax Partner AG is focused on Swiss and international tax law and is recognised as a leading tax boutique. With currently 12 partners and counsels and a total of approximately 45 tax experts, consisting of attorneys, legal experts and economists, the firm advises multinational and national corporate clients as well as individuals.

Tax Partner AG develops creative and well devised solutions in all areas of tax law and offers the full range of tax advice. The concentration of technical expertise and industry sector knowledge allows the development of tailor-made tax solutions for the clients. Tax Partner thereby offers a unique in-depth service quality to their clients. This focus has led to a continuous and increasing success of the firm.

Clients appreciate the efficient and customer-oriented set-up of the firm. The Partners are actively involved in day to day advice to the clients and have an important direct performance on the mandates.

Since its inception in 1997, Tax Partner’s strategy is to exclusively offer specialized tax advice to its clients. Over the past years Tax Partner AG has consequently developed important contacts to service providers engaged in the fields accompanying tax advice.

Tax Partner AG is independent and collaborates with various leading tax law firms globally. In 2005 the firm was a co-founder of Taxand – the world's largest independent organisation of highly qualified tax experts. Taxand currently has more than 2,500 tax advisors and around 550 tax partners from independent member firms in around 50 countries. Tax Partner is the Swiss Taxand member firm.

  • Corporate taxation
  • Individual taxation
  • VAT and customs
  • Transfer pricing
  • Tax controversy
  • Tax compliance